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Dr. hab Jacek Kołodziej, prof. UJ

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Dr hab. in Political Science (spec. Media and Communication), secondary studies: Polish Philology. Currently Associate Professor at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University. His main research interests include: (1) methodology of social research (narrative analysis, critical discourse analysis, content analysis, visual analysis etc.); (2) political sciences and sociology of politics (election campaigns, political parties and legitimization, political ideologies, political power, European elections), (3) media and communication (language in politics, rhetoric, political discourse, propaganda); (4) European / political values and the axiology of social and political change in Europe; European integration and/or disintegration (populism, Europeanization, Euroscepticism; (5) European traumatic past and its reconstructions and representations; collective memory, post-memory and forgetting; (6) broadly defined humanistic concepts which appear at the intersection of social / political life in Europe on one hand, and the arts or creative expressions on the other. Author of more than 50 publications, including major monograph ‘Political Values. Recognition, Understanding, Communication’ (2011). Founding member of Polish Association of Social Communication and Polish Association of European Studies, member of Polish Association of Political Studies, member of the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies.  

Selected publications

  • Enclaving of European Community and the Aftermath of Pereat Mundus. The Dynamics of European Values in Polish Society, (2017) Politické vedy / Political Sciences [online].
  • Narratologia w badaniach komunikacji politycznej. Metodologiczne przymiarki, [Narratology in Political Communication Research. Methodological Premises], (2017) „Polityka i Społeczeństwo” / „Studies in Politics and Society”, no. 1 (15), p. 21-33.
  •  Obraz zagrożeń w polskiej świadomosci społecznej w świetle krytycznej teorii bezpieczeństwa, (2017) [The Image of Threats in Polish Awareness according to the Critical Theory of Security] „Przegląd Politologiczny", no. 1, p. 115-126.
  • O niestosowności w politycznej komunikacji, [[The Inappropriateness of Political Communication in Poland]], (2016) [in:] Oblicza kampanii wyborczych 2015 roku [Facets of polish election campaigns in 2015], M. Kułakowska, P. Borowiec, P. Ścigaj (eds), Kraków, p. 475-493.
  • ‘Axiological Europeanization’ and Identity Change: the Case of Polish Elections to the European Parliament in 2009, (2011) [in:] The Nexus Between Democracy, Collective Identity Formation, and EU Enlargement, P. Guasti, J. Hronešová, Z. Mansfeldová (eds) Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, p. 129-148.
  • Wartości polityczne. Rozpoznanie, rozumienie, komunikowanie [Political Values. Recognition, Understanding, Communication], (2011), Kraków 2011, pp. 511.

Courses taught at CES

MA Seminar - Politics and Media